Continuous Quality Initiative (CQI) Plan
CQI plan consist of 3 main parts including Teaching Assessment, Curriculum Review and Exit Survey. They are conducted to analyze the curriculum review and identify any improvements need to be performed on the programme offered and academic staff in UTS which related with the quality of UTS graduates.

Teaching Assessment
Teaching Assessment is conducted at every end of each semester in order to get feedbacks from the students on the effectiveness of teaching and learning for the purpose of:
- Monitoring the academic staff based on the set criteria
- Improving the quality of courses and teaching skills of academic staff
- Grooming and sustaining the academic staff to be capable and competent
- Providing avenue for students’ feedbacks and identify necessary actions taken based on empirical data
Curriculum Review
Curriculum Review is carried out at every end of each semester and conducted within ten days after the final results have been approved by the Senate.
It is done based on reviews of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data include Course Coordinator’s reflections of the course’s content and flow, comments from the External Examiner(s), comments from the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP), comments during Student Dialogue or other qualitative data relevant or related to the course. Quantitative data includes Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) attainment and student workloads in relation to the Student Learning Time (SLT).
Curriculum Review Meetings are chaired by the Head of Programme and a report will suggest any necessary amendments of individual course’s learning outcomes, syllabus, and assessment strategy as well as teaching methodology.
Exit Survey
Exit Survey is conducted after the graduation of every cohort of a programme, depending on the duration of the programme, commonly after 3 or 4 years. The respondents for this survey are the graduates. The purpose of the Exit Survey is to identify students’ views of the programme and their assessments and ratings of the overall achievement of the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs). Findings from the survey will be analysed and Head of Programmes (HOPs) are responsible to take necessary actions based on the findings.
Related Links
Malaysian Qualifications Agency:
Ministry of Education:
Malaysia Board of Technologists:
Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia:
Board of Architects Malaysia:
Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia:
Student Learning Time (SLT) calculation: